Thursday, November 1, 2007

It has begun!

The 1st of November has arrived, and with it comes the start of National Novel Writing Month. I had a really busy day today so I didn't get writing until the evening. The bad thing about that is I was tired and had little time to get my word count in for the day. The good thing is I got to see what word count my buddies had and beat them! I am totally winging it this year. I am usually uber controlled about my writing, so this is a departure for me. I never got around to writing a plot summary, character outlines or doing research. I feel very adrift and it is frightening, but it is also good because I am seeing where my characters take me rather than guiding them along the path. Will a readable novel come out of it? I don't know. Will it be fun? I hope so. Tiring, scary fun, but fun.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds good!

Looking forward to it